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Tuesday, 24 October 2006
The only permanent is change!
We appreciate your continued patronage and shall continue to receive your constructive suggestions in order that we may be able to introduce the desired changes and upgrades. Making it relevant and fast pacing, marching the cadence of the evolution of time. Make it swift and sundry!!! -- Thank you!

Posted by belrelaw at 4:26 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 4:39 AM EDT

Friday, 27 October 2006 - 11:56 AM EDT

Name: "anonymous"

I like this informative site, it gives me a sense of belonging. Continue the service in whatever capacity, follow your family tradition of public service and make a difference. May God be always with you and your love ones. Good Luck!

Tuesday, 14 November 2006 - 11:06 AM EST

Name: "Mariano B. Melendez"

Ang pag babalik ng AGILA is a fitting description as we are witnesses of the unfolding of important events. It is not a re-inactment of what had previously transpired but a continuing saga of a family so admired by the people. We are closely watching the developments unfold. After all, it is written that you shall one day take the rightful place in a cycle of life. It is the DEVINE providence and it shall happen. Believe!!!

Tuesday, 9 January 2007 - 6:27 PM EST

Name: "Zander Balderama"

Service to the People always entails supreme Sacrifice, turning your back on a lucrative, equally rewarding private enterprise is in itself a heroic act. However, the tradition of sterling performance in service to the People must prevail. The hallmark of "brilliant career in public service" should be pursued and upheld at all times. Make us proud once again. Good luck to you and family. God Bless!

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